Hunting Camp Downunder Podcast
Welcome to the Hunting Camp Downunder Podcast where we share hunting stories, talk tips and techniques and all things in between. Join us for our adventures from Australia and around the world. Hosted by Craig Hailes and Jake Gasparovski
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Zubtec Hunting
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
New Episode - Zubtec Hunting
This Week Tobie Sits down around the camp fire with the boys from Zubtec Hunting, Jarryd and Nick
Two extremely enthusiastic hunters who since their school days have shares many a campfire chasing everything from wild boar in northern NSW to majestic reds in Poland. They talk hunting pigs with thermal imaging, out-smarting old boars and how to not shit your pants in a tree stand.
A great yarn around the campfire which truely sets the seen.
Thank you to @ridgelineaustralia and @osaaustralia for their support of the podcast. Be sure to check out their new 2020 line at and for your nearest Zeiss stockist
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Timmy Turtle
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
This Week Tobie sits down with Timmy Turtle.
In a past life Timmy was Australia’s top marathon kayaker but soon realised there may be more to life than spending all his time training and studying.
Timmy Still spends his days on the water but now he has a line in hand and makes his living off youtube.
He's cracked the code some would say as he travels the east coast of Australia flicking lures into every river and stream he feels like.
Follow Timmys adventures @timmyturtle_official on Instagram and Timmy Turtle on YouTube.
You tube link
Thank you to @ridgelineaustralia and @osaaustralia for their support of the podcast. Be sure to check out their new 2020 line at and for your nearest Zeiss stockist
Saturday May 30, 2020
Mel Kirley - Mansfield Hunting & Fishing
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
New Episode - Mel Kirley
On this episode Craig chats Mel Kirley, passionate hunter and gun owner and manager of Mansfield Hunting & Fishing Store.
Mel shares her stories of growing up in a well known hunting family but also the journeys of competing at National Level for trap shooting and all that goes with it.
After a tough few weeks with the COVID closures and the VIC governments decision to put holds on all firearm sales, Mel share hers frustration and worry of not having a solid body who can share our voice.
A great conversation, few laughs and a few points that us hunters need to take note of.
Visit and be sure to support and follow @mansfieldhuntingandfishing and Mel’s adventures @melaniekirley
Thank you to @ridgelineaustralia and @osaaustralia for their support of the podcast. Be sure to check out their new 2020 line at and for your nearest Zeiss stockist
Saturday May 16, 2020
Harry Watson - Jackall Australia
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
New Episode - Harry Watson
On this episode Craig is joined Harry Watson, passionate bowhunter and owner of Jackall Australia.
Harry shares some awesome stories, from hunting Chital Deer in his home state of QLD to pursuing Caribou and giant Moose in the tundra of Alaska.
Harry is also very well known in the fishing scene, not just as the owner of Jackall Australia, but for guiding on the dams in southern QLD for bass and also a very accomplished tournament angler in the popular ABT series for Bass & Barra
Awesome stories and a few tips along the way.
Be sure to check out @jackallaustralia and follow Harry’s hunting @ihuntnfish
Thank you to @ridgelineaustralia and @osaaustralia for their support of the podcast. Be sure to check out their new 2020 line at and for your nearest Zeiss stockist
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
EAT. HUNT. SLEEP - Nick & Mariska Sartori
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
On this episode Craig is joined by Nick & Missy Sartori of Victoria, Australia...A great conversation with a young couple who live and breath hunting and the benefits from it with fresh meat for the table and endless adventures. ..When they first met, hunting wasn’t something that Missy was familiar with, but it shows that she has been shown the true culture of it by Nick and its now a major part of her life. ..Nick is a very accomplished hunter, knowing nothing different from an early age. ..A great conversation about hunting life. ..
Follow their adventures Nick - @eat.hunt.sleep and Mariska - you to @ridgelineaustralia and @osaaustralia for their support of the podcast. Be sure to check out their new 2020 line at and for your nearest Zeiss stockist..
#ridgelineaustralia#zeissoptics#podcast#hcdu#australia #mates
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Mark Pitts of Marksman Quivers
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
On this episode Craig is joined by Mark Pitts of Marksman Quivers.
Born in England, Mark moved to Australia for no other reason than to peruse his passion for hunting with a bow.
On his journey, he was fortunate to meet some of Australia’s best with a big help from what was the Australian Bowhunting Forum.
Mark has turned his passion into a small business and building arrows quivers for traditional bows, which are works of art.
A great conversation about gear, hunting New Zealand’s Fiordland and more.
Be sure to check out Marks work at or @marksmanquivers
Thank you to @ridgelineaustralia and @osaaustralia and Ziesshunting for their support of the podcast. Be sure to check out their new 2020 line at and your nearest Zeiss stockist.
#ridgelineaustralia#zeissoptics#podcast#hcdu#australia #mates
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Podcasting, Business and Hunting
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
On this episode Craig jumps on the Beach, Bush & Business Podcast with Matty Sloan and opens up about podcasting, being busy, balancing hobbies & business and managing it all at once "or not"
Thanks to Ridgeline Australia for their support of the podcast, be sure to check out their new 2020 line at
Friday Mar 20, 2020
THE STAG ROAR - Ryan O'Connor
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Ryan O'Conner is an Optometrist and born again hunter. Living in the north island of NZ he is interested all things healthy living. .
After a brief exit from a hunting pastime while at uni, Ryan soon found himself back in the mountains chasing a meal. Ryan hosts "The Stags Roar" Podcast which has evolved into a hunter orientated podcast. Its fast becoming the place NZ hunters and others alike can put their views and opinions across and listen to those in the know. .
Tobie and Ryan have a general conversation as mates and touch on a lot of different aspects of NZ hunting and life in general..
Be sure to follow @thestagroar and subscribe to The Stag Roar Podcast on your favourite podcast platform
#podcast#hcdu#australia #mates#newzealand
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Silent Pursuits - Ben Salleras
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
This week Ben Salleras joins us again on the podcast to introduce his new venture, “Silent Pursuits”
Ben is not only the nicest and most genuine bloke one could ever know, but a very accomplished bowhunter around the world. Including many European countries where he has harvested an array of species including the new Archery World Record Fallow Buck he took in Bulgaria.
As always, Benny shares a few good stories and his love for adventure shines through the conversation.
Be sure to check out @silentpursuits on instagram of if your interested in a booking a hunt with Ben then shoot him an email at
Its always a pleasure catching up with Benny and I hope you enjoy this episode.
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Kifaru Int - Aron Snyder & Frank Peralta with Rob Herbert
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Thanks for joining us for another HCDU episode.
Early in 2019 Rob Herbert on his annual trip to the US, caught up with Aron Snyder & Frank Peralta of Kifaru International.
Rob discusses with Aron as the President of Kifaru what “Kifaru” is in ethos, product and direction.
It’s a good discussion that evolves into what common ground American and Australian hunters share and how international friendships and ties are growing every year within the community.
As always, a few laughs and a very poor attempt of Aron and Frank talking Aussie slang. Enjoy!!!